Welcome to Day 1!

make money helpful blogCongratulations! You've just taken the all important first step to starting your very own online business!

Not only that, you've just successfully subscribed to The Make Money Online Blog – a growing tribe of online entrepreneurs who take their passion and hard work ethic and turn it into a full-time, cash-generating online business.

Excited? You should be, it's only going to get better from here on out!

What you can expect from me over the next 10 days…

I'm going to be sending you 10 lessons over the next 10 days that's going to show you the same, exact steps I took to start my online business.

We're going to be covering a lot of ground and you're going to learn a lot. Follow this interactive step by step crash course and you'll be amazed at what you're going to accomplish over the next 10 days!

But please promise me one thing: that you will transform that passion you have to build a life-changing income online with the boldness to take action. It's this that will turn your dreams into reality.

And of course, if you ever have any questions as you go through this training, simply hit reply and I'll get right back to you as soon as I can. You see, I really do want to see you succeed at this!

So, are you ready to get access the training and get started?

1. Create Your FREE Wealthy Affiliate Starter Account

wealthy-affiliate-reviewTogether we're going to be following the Online Entrepreneur Certification course.

To follow with me through this training you're going to need to create a free starter account at Wealthy Affiliate.

And there's a good reason for this: Wealthy Affiliate has all the tools, resources, training and community you're going to need over the next 10 days and beyond.

=> Create your FREE account now!

Once you've set up your user profile at Wealthy Affiliate just hit reply to this email and let me know you're username so I can follow you inside the member's area and say ‘Hello!'

2. Start Your First Lesson

exactly how to start your own blog and get paidNow you've got the website builder tools and resources within Wealthy Affiliate, you've got everything you need to follow me through this training.

Now let's dive right in and get started!

Here's your first lesson:

=> Click here for Lesson 1: Getting Rolling!


Stick with me over the next 10 days and you're going to be amazed at what you are going to accomplish!

I'm excited to be working with you and I'm serious – hit reply at any point in this course for one-on-one support from me.

To your online success!


The Make Money Online Blog

Work while they sleep. Learn while they party. Save while they spend. Live like they dream.

Your Course Outline

At the bottom of every email will be a list of past and future lessons. These will help you stay on track in case you need to return to a previous lesson or in case you want to see what's in store for tomorrow.

Day 1: Welcome and Getting Started!​​​​​​​

Day 2: How You Actually Make Money Online

Day 3: Tapping Into Your Passion To Create An Online Business

Day 4: Going LIVE With Your Very Own Website

Day 5: Laying The Foundations For Future Success

Day 6: Telling Search Engines Your Site Exists

Day 7: The Key That Unlocks Top Google Rankings

Day 8: Creating Content That Connects

Day 9: Dare to Dream Big, Bold Dreams

Day 10: Time To Kick It Up A Notch

See you tomorrow! : )​

13 thoughts on “Welcome to Day 1!”

  1. Hello Simon! You have a great website here and I’m very interested to see what you have in store for us over the next seven days. I totally agree with you when you talk about hard work. I have been working online for some time and a member of Wealthy Affiliate for several months now but I am a believer in trying to learn from as many sources as possible. I look forward to your future posts, you can count me in!

  2. Great idea for a website. It is always great to follow a course plan each day. How long have you been a member of Wealthy Affiliate and is this the only thing that is working for you.

    You say you have seen many scams online. How is Wealthy Affiliate different and how will this time be different.

    Sorry for all the questions, but it is good to know things like this before signing up for a program.

    • Hi Michel, thanks for taking up the 7 day email challenge – I hope you’ll get a lot from it.

      I’ve personally been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for, let me check… 2 years and 3 months. I’m never leaving. It’s just scam-free, spam-free and every member is helping each other to succeed online. The training is brilliant and support second to none.

      Here’s the full Wealthy Affiliate Review I recently posted (5,000+ words!) I didn’t mean for it to be that long but just wanted to try and answer as many questions as possible.

      You might also want to check out:

      How To Learn How To Make Money Online For Free With Wealthy Affiliate
      Is Wealthy Affiliate A Scam? – Full Insider’s Report
      How To Join Wealthy Affiliate… and Other FAQ’s Answered

      Don’t worry, I understand it’s important to do your research before joining something new. The best part of WA is that it’s totally FREE to join and train so you don’t even have to take my word for it.

      I hope this helps 🙂

    • “Hello” i am interested and i want to learn it all can u teach me and guide me how to do and how it works for me

  3. Hello,
    I think what you are doing is great!!! It’s so refreshing compared to all the make money online scams out there.

    I just created my free Wealthy Affiliate account as you suggested and I’ve already made new friends! I was very skeptical at first (sorry, just lots of bad experiences in the past) but the lovely people inside Wealthy Affiliate have already put me at ease.

    Before this I got myself involved in an affiliate business that required $2,500 to be a member. What bothered me was that the training did not have enough live support. I love this site though, the community is really active and I like the live chat and support. Little bits of feel good steps at a time, gives one a sense of accomplishment. Thank you so much!!!

    • Love to hear about positive experiences! I felt the same when I first joined Valneta so I think it’s natural to be a little cautious at first – especially as you say because of the spamming scammers out there.

      Wow $2,500 to get affiliate marketing training? Was this per year, per month or just a one off? Whatever that is – it’s a lot. As you already know, with Wealthy Affiliate it’s free. There is an option to upgrade to be a Premium member but there’s no pressure to do so and it’s possible to get two free websites, free hosting and build your online business just using the free starter option.

      I love the daily action steps too! For me it’s motivating to see the progress! I’m so happy you love the training – I did too! (Actually I think I did a week’s worth of training in just 1 or 2 days!) I was just so serious about building an online income and I couldn’t wait to get started!

      All the best! Shout out as always if I can help with ANYTHING 🙂

  4. Hi Simon, this is a very interesting read! It’s great to see you have such wonderful success in your online business. I agree with you that it’s hard work … and it’s definitely worth it! The assignments are very easy to understand and follow.

    I just joined Wealthy Affiliate myself and I must say I’m very impressed! There’s lots of really friendly and knowledgeable people who have already answered lots of my question 😉 I can vouch it’s the only place to be!

    Thank you!

  5. Hey Simon, what a cool thing you are doing, helping others to be successful by offering your expertise and experience through a step-by-step posting of tutorials!

    I followed your recommendation and I’m already working my way through the training. I don’t care what it takes – I will have money generating business online. I gotta say, you are spot on with your admonitions. I especially grinned at this one: “I also don’t believe in any of that self-help ‘just think about it a lot and it’ll magically appear’ with just a push of a button riches non-sense.”

    LOL – so true of so many naive people who think success doesn’t require hard work and determination!

    Anyway, just wanted to say thank you for this email course, really enjoyed it, and I bookmarked it to share with some people who could certainly use your trainings.

    • Thanks Marvin – I appreciate that!

      Yeah I just always want to be clear that building an online business takes time and effort – but it’s always worth it. 🙂

      Let me know how you found the training so far and as always, reach out if there’s anything I can do to help. I love the fact that with the Wealthy Affiliate training you build your business as you go through the course.

  6. Hi

    I have always wanted to make money from home as it would make my life so much easier and allow me to focus on other things.

    Its hard to believe that it can actually happen, a lot of people turn away from the idea because they think its just too good to be true but I personally am going to give it a go.

    • It’s possible Ben, don’t let the scammers put you off. I think you’re really going to like the rest of this email course because I’m going to show you normal people like you and me who have succeeded using the process I’m going to show you with Wealthy Affiliate.

      That’s all I ask Ben, just give it a go. Then you can see for yourself. 🙂


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