Cami White Scams Exposed


Cami White Scams review

Welcome to the review where I expose the dozens of Cami White Scams littering the web.

Overall Ranking: 1 out 100 – total scam

Price: $97

Owner: Cami White (aliases include Cynthia Sprinter, Mary Rogers, Shelly Davis, Raenna Lynn, Melanie Pearson, plus others)

Different scams: The ones I know about are the Daily Web Biz scam, Financially Healthy scam, the Excel Cashflow scam and the Auto Home Profits scam.

Cami White Scams review quick overview

Cami White runs the same link posting scam across several websites, you should avoid them all like the plague.

Just as one scam is exposed and complaints from unsuspecting victims unable to get their money back start to surface, Cami White gives it a new name and starts over.

If you've spotted a new Cami White scam site please let us know in the comments below and I'll update this review!

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​Different names, different photos, same old story, same old scam

Cami White is just one of the many names this con artist uses to try and part you with your hard-earned cash. But she's pretty sloppy and once you know what you're looking for, her scams are easy to spot.

The criminal mastermind behind these sites uses scams like the Excel Cash Flow, Daily Web Biz, Financially Healthy to lure unsuspecting people looking only for real ways to earn money online.

If you've come across any of these Cami White scams, in this review you'll see just how they work and why you won't make any money with them.

Let's play a game of spot the difference

Here's a screenshot from the Daily Web Biz scam website: cami white work from home scam

Cami White's excel cash flow scam: here she is again, same photo, same story but something's different…

cami white-mary-rogers scam 2

Here's a screenshot of the ‘Cash From Home' link posting website.

In case you haven't guessed it by now, Cami White is not a real nor is Cynthia Sprinter or Mary Rogers. And it's not just the name that changed, here's a few more examples I've found of this same link posting scam, and we've now shifted from targeting Australians to targeting Americans:

cami white scam - auto home profts review

cami white 45 minute pay day scam

Here's another Cami White work at home scam with a slightly different layout.

cami white scam-binary-code-scam

I could go on but I think you get the picture…

The images, locations and names change but each website has the same rags to riches story; they all divorced young and they all have a daughter called Amanda, they all had a “chilling day that changed their life”, they each heard about posting links from a random guy in the doctor's office and they're all millionaires now. (yeah, right)

Every website give you the same, hollow promises of easy, automated cash with nothing more than a laptop and an internet connection.

All of this is designed to press your emotional buttons and get you to opt-in, because let's keep it real – who wouldn't love to post a few links to social media and earn $$$$'s? If only it was that easy!

The Cami White lies all her link posting scams have in common

After looking at all of Cami White's scams it's easy to see they all use the exact same website template. I just want to take a second here to point out some of the obvious lies scams like these usually make.

1. Limited positions available

Wherever you are in the world, whenever you land on one of Cami White's scammy websites you'll see a big flashing box with your location in it telling you there's limited positions available.

This is easily done, they just use your internet IP address to pinpoint your location.

They do this to give you a sense or urgency, it's a common selling tactic that gets people in a rush to ‘buy now before you miss out!'

Trust me when I say, there's no limited spaces, as far as Cami White is concerned, the more people she can scam the better.

cami white reviews

2. Can you spot the major news station logos in the top bar?

Again this is a complete fabrication. None of these scams have ever featured in CNN or NBC and never will. They're ut there to give you a sense of credibility and ‘social proof'. Don't fall for it.

3. Cami White (or whatever her name is) positions herself as a link posting expert

Following along in the same vein of the news network logos, by ‘casually mentioning' she's a little bit of a celebrity and an expert in the link posting industry she's giving herself credibility.

Here's a direct quote from all of the sites:

“Others know me from the numerous interviews, podcasts and teleseminars that I have done in the past. And there are so many people coming to me today for help and advice on getting started working from home that I've been called the number 1 work at home consultant in the whole of America.” (some sites say Australia)

Anyone unsuspecting visitor to this site would think she's an expert so she knows what she's talking about. Again a complete bare-faced lie.

4. Iron clad money back guarantee

cami white scams exposed

Iron-clad – really?

Because I get messages from people all the time asking “How do I get my money back from Cami White?”

My answer: I've never known anyone to get a refund yet. Honestly, if you've paid for one of these link posting courses you should write it off as a lesson learned.

What might seem like a solid guarantee is actually no such thing. I did a bit of digging and at the bottom of Cami White's link posting scam websites is a link to the full ‘Refund Policy' page.

Here's a direct quote form that page: (my emphasis added)

“It is important to us that you are 100% satisfied with the program. If you are not 100% satisfied with our online money making system then you should be entitled to a full refund of the money you spend on any of our products and services.

However, it is important that you make an attempt to utilize all of the tools we have available. If you do not make a true attempt within 8 weeks of purchasing Cash From Home, then our company takes no responsibility and we will not be held responsible for your lack of actions and a refund will not be granted.”

Can you see how vague this is?

It implies that if you don't make any money from this (and you won't) then it's clearly your fault. You should just try a little bit harder.

It makes my blood boil to think about the hundreds of hard-working people have had their money effectively stolen from them through scams like these with no chance in hell of getting a single penny back.

There's a reason Cami White keeps changing her name…

Just like the whac-a-mole games I used to love playing as a kid, every time one of Cami White's scams are exposed for what they are, she simply creates a new website, gives it a new name and copies and pastes everything onto it.

The truth is:

When sites like mine expose these scams for what they are in the hope of helping people avoid the fate of hundreds who have already fallen victim for scams like these, word gets out and that's no good for a scammer.

Take the Daily Web Biz scam for example, anyone who takes just takes a second to step back and do due diligence will quickly find pages of complaints from unfortunate victims trying to get their money back. This results in less people falling for it and less money in Cami White's pocket.

So just when you think you've whacked it, another one pops up in it's place.

The big problem with link posting

Have you noticed that Cami White doesn't give any details on what you'll actually be doing past ‘posting links'? This is another common trait of a scam website – the more obscure they are the better for them.

Here's the deal:

Posting links on social media, in forums and on blog posts doesn't work.

Far from putting money into your bank account, it's a sure-fire way to turn you int one of those annoying spammers everyone blocks on Facebook and Twitter.

Trust me, nobody wants to be ‘that guy' who constantly spams their friends and family's timelines with spammy links.

Do you like seeing spam on Facebook? Do you ever pay any attention to it at all? Think for a second, have you ever, ever clicked on one of those spammy links?

Not even once?

I didn't think so, me neither.

Check out this video to find out more about why you can't make money posting links:

>> Check out my Wealthy Affiliate review here <<

There IS a real way to make money online and you can start for FREE

The biggest sign of an online scam is hyped up promises of fast and automatic ways to make money online.

Be very wary of anyone online promising you easy money, I can pretty much guarantee they're trying to sell you their latest “profit system” or “get rich quick program”.

My motto here at The Make Money Online Blog is:

Do the work >> Live the life

because there are real ways you can make money online and it's by building a legit online business.

The thing both offline and online businesses have in common is they take work to build up and there's things you need in place before you make a dime. It takes work, determination,a stubborn refusal to give up and a passion to succeed.

I didn't get to $6,000 through automatic systems, they simply don't exist.

Here in the real world we reap the rewards for our efforts and I had to learn a lot of new things, gain new skills and most importantly, take action and apply that new knowledge to my business.

So if you're open to learning new things and ready to put time and energy into building a real online business, here's the free training, tools and support you need to get started. No credit card required.


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Do you have any comments or questions? Please get in touch and I'll be more than happy to help you out in any way I can.

8 thoughts on “Cami White Scams Exposed”

  1. Simon,
    Thank you for your post. These type of scams are all over the place, and unsuspecting men and women who are trying to start on online business, like myself, falls for these kinds of scams all the time. My question is, how can they get away with this over and over again? The only thing that we can do is to continue to research thoroughly before parting with our money. Thank you for the heads up.

    • Hi Kay, the reason Cami White has gotten away with this for so long because she’s using fake names and account, so when one particular scam site is marked as spammy she can just copy and paste the site onto a new one.

      I completely agree, the bestw ay to protect yourself from work at home scams like these is to do your research. Glad you found this useful!

  2. Thanks for this review of Cami White and exposing this scam!

    You are so right, I have seen so many of these type of scams where they are run by the same people or person, and once they are found out, they change their site and name, but the same scam remains!

    What makes me mad, is that scams such as this give all legitimate online marketing opportunities a bad name as well, and are also labelled a scam!

    Thanks for letting us know about Cami White, hopefully, you will save people from falling prey to these people!

    • Thanks John, my aim is to add new websites and names here if and when they pop up. I’ve noticed that the Daily Web Biz scam site has already been taken down since I wrote this review.

      Yes I completely agree with you, and one of the main reasons I almost gave up on the idea of earning an income online altogether after getting burned for the 3rd ad 4th time in a row. So even though there are literally hundreds of legitamate ways to make money online, they all get tarnished with the same brush.

      Thanks for stopping by, all the best to you!

  3. Thank you for this review. It is amazing how you can find the same thing with just a little variation. But people get sucked in, because they want the easy way to make money. They are weary from going to work everyday and barely surviving. So this kind of promise is appealing. Sadly a lot of people lose their money doing this, and Cami White makes money as a result.

    • It’s so true, scammers like Cami White know exactly how to play on people’s emotions and it happens all too often. People looking for a way out of the rat race trying to find legit ways to make money online end up bumping into work at home scams like these time and time again.

      I literally spend years hitting my head against a brick wall before I finally learned how to build an online business for myself. 

      My hope in writing reviews like this is to make people more aware of the types of scams still prevalent online and offer them an alternative that gets results. 


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