Wealthy Affiliate for India


Wealthy Affiliate for India – so what's the deal?

The purpose of this post is to address some of the many questions I've been getting from my Indian readers about Wealthy Affiliate for India.

You can get full details in my honest Wealthy Affiliate review here but please note there are some differences with accessing Wealthy Affiliate from within India.

What we'll cover in this post

  • How Wealthy Affiliate Can Help You Make Money Online
  • Wealthy Affiliate in India specifics
  • Why is Wealthy Affiliate restricted in some countries?
  • Your next steps

How Wealthy Affiliate Can Help You Make Money Online

Wealthy Affiliate is your all in one online business training centre. The training, knowledge and strategies are provided, the website building tools and keyword tools are provides and best of all, you are a member of a helpful and friendly community of expert affiliate marketers.

Let's take a look at the training, tools and community support in detail:

1. Top affiliate marketing training

The Online Certification Course has 5 levels and each level has 10 lessons. The training includes detailed training tutorials and walkthrough videos that will show you how to start making money online.

wealthy affiliate process for making money online

You will learn everything from how to start your own website even if you have never done it before, how to use social media to promote your website and how to get your website onto the first page of Google.

Most importantly, you will learn how to write reviews and helpful articles that will help your readers make a decision about what to buy.

Your website can be based on any topic of your choice and you can send your readers to Amazon using a unique link used to track your sales and stats. When someone you send to Amazon buys something you will earn a commission.

how to start a home business with no money

I'm using Amazon as an example here because they have a wide range of products available, but there are 100's of different affiliate programs to choose from.

Companies like Nike, Adidas, Apple, Samsung, AirAsia… you can promote any of these and earn money with a website. This is the best way to make money online and you can reach a worldwide audience through the internet.

The training will guide you through the making money online process from beginning to end.

Here's a quick video explaining how you can promote any products. It's best to start each website on one particular topic:

2. Easy and fast website builder tools

how to build a free website for dummies 6

Wealthy Affiliate don't just train you, they give the tools to do it as well. They have the easy to use SiteRubix web building platform which is connected to WordPress.

You can build a beautiful, professional looking website in just a few minutes. There are over 2,000 WordPress themes to choose from.

In addition, you have website monitoring software included so you can see when your website is ranked in Google, you can receive comments and feedback on your websites there is an expert technical support team available 24 hours a day.

As a Wealthy Affiliate Premium member you can host up to 50 websites on their fast hosting servers and they backup your site daily.

3. An amazing online community of expert entrepreneurs

what is the wealthy affiliate online community

Wealthy Affiliate has members from all over the world from every continent.

Some are beginners to affiliate marketing and some are experts and successful businessmen who have already been members since Wealthy Affiliate launched in 2005.

There are live chat areas and comment areas within each course so you can ask questions anytime if you're not sure about anything.

I believe that with this support, advice and help you can be successful online.

Wealthy Affiliate in India specifics

In most countries Wealthy Affiliate over 2 levels of membership:

the Starter membership and the Premium membership

(See what the differences are here)

Unfortunately, the Wealthy Affiliate Starter membership is not available in:

  • India
  • Philippines
  • Nigeria
  • Pakistan

Within the country of India you can still join Wealthy Affiliate as a Premium member and get full and instant access to everything inside the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

Wealthy Affiliate Premium is $49 per month (approx. ₹3000) if you pay every month. You have the option to reduce this through the yearly Wealthy Affiliate discount.

Premium is $359 per year (approx. ₹23000)if you choose to pay yearly – that's a 36% saving!

Why is Wealthy Affiliate restricted in some countries?

Wealthy Affiliate is a scam-free, spam-free zone. It's a safe space where members can help each other, learn together and push each other to greater levels of success.

Unfortunately, the co-founders of Wealthy Affiliate, Kyle and Carson, saw high levels of fraud and spamming from India, Pakistan, Nigeria and the Philippines.

They had no choice but to exclude these countries from the free Starter membership in order to protect the very special community inside Wealthy Affiliate.

India has over 1 billion people, with lots of them looking for a real way to make money online so I hope this will change soon!

Your next steps

I understand it is frustrating to not be able to try Wealthy Affiliate with the free Starter membership, but I hope I have given you enough information to be able to make a good decision to join Wealthy Affiliate as a Premium member.

Wealthy Affiliate is for real, what they teach gets results and you can be a successful online business owner if you sign up today and start the training.

When you join I will come and say “hi!” on your profile and introduce myself because I want to personally help you to build profitable websites.

I encourage you to get access to Wealthy Affiliate as a Premium member now to get full access to the tools, support and training – everything you need to be successful at this.

To your online success!

Wealthy Affiliate for India sign up

Do you have any questions about Wealthy Affiliate for India or in general?

Please leave your comments below and I will try to get back to you within 24 hours. I am more than happy to help you in any way I can 🙂

25 thoughts on “Wealthy Affiliate for India”

  1. Hi Simon,
    I’m from India and I want to join wa under you. I have no knowledge about technology and its hard for me to understand technical stuff. And I don’t know what niche to choose. Would I be able to do it in WA. I have also heard a lot of complaints from WA members that due to technical issues they don’t receive commissions from the people who join under them through the referral link. Is this true

    • Hi there Lloyd,

      The good thing about learning affiliate marketing with Wealthy Affiliate is you’ll be able to use their easy-to-use website builder and hosting which gives you 100’s of themes to use from so no technical knowledge is needed. Honestly, I don’t consider myself to be a techy guy at all but I do just fine 🙂

      Choosing the niche that’s right for you is covered in-depth within the first few lessons of the Online Certification Course so you should be ok, you can also run any ideas by me and I’ll be able to help you out.

      When it comes to affiliate program payouts, obviously it depends on each program but al I can say is I’ve never had any issues with this personally and I’ve never heard about anyone who has. It is in the affiliate programs best interests to pay their affiliates and pay them on time.

      Hope this helps you out mate, let me know if you have any other questions or leave a message on my Wealthy Affiliate profile here.

      Stay safe!

  2. Hey Simon, can you help me I upgrade to Premium account but my card got rejected by bank. After all I tried by PayPal that also the same thing happened I cannot proceed the payment because I cannot top up my paypal balance. So can you suggest me some of the way I can pay to upgrade.

    I’m from India.

  3. Hey Simon,
    I’ve been a member of WA for the past few months learning all those stuff i want to join the premium membership but i just want to clarify something can i use the PayPal account in which only my debit card is linked ( i do not possess a credit card). Any sort of help is welcome im just very eager to learn all those stuff. I am from India by the way ( is it mandatory to use a credit card?)

    • Hey, thanks for stopping by the blog. I just checked on this for you because I wasn’t sure but I’ve been by a fellow WA member who is from India that yes, you can pay via PayPal no problem. So you don’t need a credit card to join.

      Hope this helps, let us know if you have any questions and follow me in the members’ area and I’ll follow you too, here’s a link to my profile.


    • Hi Ritik, nothing compares to Wealthy Affiliate as far as I know. After completing hundreds of thorough reviews of make money online programs and training courses, Wealthy Affiliate still comes out on top as the best recommendation I can make to readers looking to start a real internet business.

      I understand the Wealthy Affiliate free membership is not currently available in India but I encourage you to try 1 month so you can see what it’s all about. It is definitely worth it if you’re serious about becoming an online entrepreneur.

  4. Hello simon, I m from India, want start WA work with monthly premium. I want to know after some time did I join yearly premium.

  5. I’m glad you wrote an article on this because it’s something that is always being talked about. I understand why WA as they want to avoid as much spammer as possible. I wish they found another way to deliver a free trial to the people in india but maybe your review will convince your audience how it convinced me. WA is definitely worth every penny.

    • I hope so Yunier, I know the fact the the Starter memebrship isn’t available in India may put some people off but as I say, they can still try Premium for one month and use the Yearly Wealthy Affiliate discount if they want to.

  6. Hi Simon! Really interesting review of Wealthy Affiliate. I personally am a member of WA and although I don’t live in those ‘blacklisted’ countries I find it really a good technique to reduce spam by those countries.

    Having said that, what are your views on this? Do you think they should make a separate server on them?

    Thanks and looking forward to your reply!

    • Hi,

      I just think it’s unfortunate that there are may spammers in India and other places that spoil it for everyone else. Hopefully in the future they’ll be less people trying to make money by spamming which clearly never works and will be ready to start a real business. If so, Wealthy Affiliate will welcome them with open arms.

      It’s just because Wealthy Affiliate is for serious entrepreneurs only and the ‘get rich quick’ mindset will be their biggest problem in achieving any long-term success.

  7. Sounds like Wealthy Affiliate is a great program to help people learn how to build an online business worldwide. I think it’s great that the Wealthy Affiliate is still available in India even though the free program is not. I think this program can provide a way for people from India and other countries to make a good living online.
    What is your favorite part of the training at Wealthy Affiliate?

    • Hey Mitch, yes the Premium membership is still available for India but it means people in India have to take a little ‘step of faith’ perhaps because the free version isn’t available meaning there’s no opportunity to see it before deciding to join as a Premium member. That’s kind of why I tried to give as much information here and within my main Wealthy Affiliate Review exactly what is available.

      Great question – what’s my favourite part of the training? IT WORKS! That’s my favourite part! 🙂

      I’ve seen the results myself and share my results and other member’s results in 7 inspiring Wealthy Affiliate success stories. I see people inside the member’s area achieving great things every day. EVen brand new members who just joined a couple of weeks ago are getting their websites ranked already and making their first commissions.

      Thanks Mitch, all the very best to you!

  8. It is fairly common that there are restrictions for certain countries for certain websites. For example the affiliate program Clickbank don’t allow members from certain countries due to fraud.
    In either case, the Premium membership of Wealthy Affiliate is soo good it is worth every penny. I have been a member for almost year now and I have not seen a similar program that offers soo much for soo little money as Wealthy Affiliate do. You have written a great review well done.

  9. Hi Simon, This was a very interesting review of wealthy affiliate. It’s good to know that success with wealthy affiliate can happen in different countries such as India. You have really done your work in explaining the good benefits of wealthy affiliate. I’ve been a member of this community for about three years now and it’s the best investment ever. Thanks for providing how wealthy affiliate helps everyone.

    • Thanks Anthony, which country are you in? At the moment it’s just 4 countries that have Premium only available.

      You must like it if you’ve been a member for 3 years! I hope you are achieving success with it. Yes there are many internet marketers coming out of India as more and more people get access to the internet.

      I believe in the future we will have many more Wealthy Affiliate members from India!

      All the best.

  10. Hi Simon, I did not know that Wealthy Affiliate is restricted in some countries. Hopefully, it will change.

    I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate the last six months and when someone asks me what I have learned on Wealthy Affiliate, I answer “everything”. Before WA, I was trying without a plan and nothing was working. Now I already have organic traffic. I am sure that the future will be even better.



    • Yes I think the co-owners Kyle and Carson had no choice, at the end of the day they have to protect the online community and they’ve been very successful in creating a learning environment that’s helpful and encouraging where anyone can ask questions, be heard and get the support they need.

      I suspect it got to the point where the high numbers of members from places like India, Philippines, Nigeria and Pakistan were starting to risk that by either spamming community areas or attempting to take advantange of the credits system.

      It’s great to hear about the progress you’ve made in the last 6 months Ilyas, you must be doing something right with your website up and getting good traffic from the search engines already.

      Wish you all the very best and I’m sure you’ve got a very bright future ahead of you! Honestly, if there’s any way I can help, please I’d be more than happy to.


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