How To Build A Free Website For Dummies


(Takes Less Than 34 Seconds)

how to start a wordpress blogWhether you consider yourself to be a dummy or not, today I'm going through exactly how to build a free website for dummies.

Building a website. Don't let those words intimidate you, it's really not as technical or difficult as you might think.

Today it's super easy to get a free website up and running (no coding knowledge required) and I'm going to walk you through it step by step.

This is the exact process I use to create all of my websites (this one included).

Let me clarify, when I say ‘build' a website I just mean ‘click a few buttons' because it really is that simple.

20 years ago you had to one of those Harry Potter lookalikes with a degree in HTML coding to have any chance at this whole website making thing.

Now, thanks to free and easy website builders like SiteRubix, even normal people like us can have not just plain old sites, but proper professional website beauties online for all the world to see.

Whatever your reason for wanting to start a website, follow this foolproof guide and you'll have a beautiful, stunning looking website live and on the web in the next few minutes!

What is SiteRubix?

what is siterubixIn partnership with, SiteRubix, powered by Wealthy Affiliate is the most powerful website platform found anywhere online.

Not only is it the the most widely used website builder platform in the world, it's also the quickest and easiest.


Here's a video where a guy builds a website using Siterubix in 30 seconds!

SiteRubix's full WordPress Express integration means no complicated install required. SiteRubix gives you automatic daily back-ups, full site health checks and 24 hour free technical support – and the response time is less than a minute.

All of this stacked up together makes SiteRubix the best website builder in the world.

OK, with that being said, let's get into it.

The 3 simple steps to build a free website

1. Decide what to start your website about

2. Choose a domain name

3. Build your free website

Follow this guide and you'll have your website up and running in less than a minute from now.

Step 1: Decide what to start your website about

the best web hosting serviceThere are lots of good reasons to start a website… and it's good to know why you're building a webiste.

Are you looking to make money online?

Perhaps you're looking for a creative outlet, to practice your writing or share your travel photos with the world?

Maybe you're looking to start a new niche site, promote your offline business or write a hobby blog.

Knowing why your doing this will make the decision of what to start a website about an easy one.

Step 2: Choose a domain name

best-web-hostingA domain name is what you type into the address bar to get to your website and starts with ‘www.' The domain of this website is

Think carefully about what domain name you want your website to have because this will play an important part in your website's branding.

You want something that's relevant to what your site's going to be about, so wouldn't fit with a site about building treehouses for example.


More tips on choosing a domain name…

  • Try and make it as short as possible and easy to remember.
  • Always avoid wrong spellings, weird looking hyphens and numbers. ( is better than for example.)
  • If your first domain choice isn't available, it's time to get a little creative.

Step 3: Build your free website

OK, now it's time to get this concept live! Are you excited? You should be! Let's break this down…

1. Go to

If you haven't already, head over to the super easy SiteRubix website builder here. You should land on a page that looks like this. Type in your preferred domain name and check availability.

Once you've found the domain name you want, click on ‘Build my free website!

how to build a free website for dummies

2. Select the kind of website you want to build

Here you'll be given 3 choices, to build a website on a free domain, on a domain you already own or to register a new (paid for). Since this guide is to show you how to build a free website, go ahead and click the free option.

Important Note: If in, let's say, 12 months time you want to go from a free domain to a you can transfer your domain over at any time. It's quick and easy to register your own domains with SiteRubix domains for just $13.99 a year.

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3. You'll be asked to confirm availability

Go ahead, hit ‘Save & Continue‘. 🙂

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4. Choose a website title

This part is pretty self-explanatory. If my domain is then my website would likely be ‘Running'.

Hit ‘Save & Continue‘.

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5. Select your website category

Remember step 1 when you decided what you're starting your website about?

Go ahead and slect your website category, choose more than one if it fits. Hit ‘Save & Continue‘.

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6. Choose your website layout

A website theme is the template or layout for your website. As you can see, you have 2,435 free templates to choose from – told you SiteRubix was awesome!

All themes are completely customisable and you can change your theme anytime you want to.

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Find one you like, click ‘Build My Website

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7. Sit back as SiteRubix works its magic!

Set your timer, your site is being built in less than 34 seconds! Once your site is built you'll be given a user name and password needed to log in to your website.

You should also be able to access you site at anytime via

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8. Celebrate! Your site is LIVE!

Go ahead, open a new tab and type your domain name in the address bar.

How does it feel?

Congratulations, you are now the proud owner of your very own website. That wasn't too difficult was it? 😉

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9. Log in to your Dashboard area

Log in and you'll be taken to your new WordPress dashboard area. Here's where you can write drafts, customise your site, read and reply to comments people leave on your site and publish blog posts.


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Well done seriously, you've just accomplished a lot. Now you have a fresh new website you can do with however you please. Tinker with the customise options, change the colours, add your first post and geenrally get used to WordPress dashboard.

Your website is now a blank slate but it won't take you long to put your own mark on it. Blogging is about learning as you go and tackling things as you can. Here are some things you might want to explore.

Do you want to learn how to get traffic to your website?

Read How To Get Your Website Ranked on the First Page of Google

Do you want to make money blogging?

Take my free 10 day make money blogging crash course

If you've got any questions about how to get the most of your website leave your comments below. I reply to every comment.

Oh! If you found this helpful and know anyone who would like to build a free website, please feel free to share 🙂

14 thoughts on “How To Build A Free Website For Dummies”

  1. Hey there Simon,

    It sounds almost too good to be true but I know all that you have mentioned is completely true to a tee. Although the title says for dummies it is kind of funny lol. For me I have built many websites but I did not start off with a free site because WA did not offer them when I started a while ago. If I did not have one I would get a free website. Thanks for the information.

    • Hi Kendrick, please forgive me, I’m not calling anyone a dummy! 🙂

      That’s good to hear Kendrick. If you want to you can also transfer existing domains(pointing DNS servers) to be hosted with SiteRubix and get access to SiteHealth, SiteFeedback, SiteSpeed and the free SSL features.

      You can also register domains directly too. When you’re building a new website you have the option to go for a free domain or pay for your own domain. I know lots of people start by building a free website and then transfer over to a paid for domain once their website is making some money.

      Thanks for passing by,all the vest to you!

  2. I have created my very own website with siterubix and I was delighted with how easy it was.

    Were you one of the harry potter lookalikes who could actually do this without such an easy tool? I know I certainly couldn’t.

    It’s great to have tools like this because people like me may have a great idea for a website but no idea how to make it. Now I can do it without any hassle.

    • It really is as easy as ABC 1,2,3 isn’t it? 😉

      Thanks Craig, no I am definitely not what you would call a very technical person at all! I didn’t have the first clue about building websites when I started out. 3 years down the line I find myself with a growing portfolio of websites based around different topics and peopel think I’m the expert!

      I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. For me, the thing I like the most about building websites with SiteRubix is taht they take all of the hassle out of it, get the technical stuff out of the way so I can concentrate on running my affiliate marketing businesses, knowing they’re in safe hands.

  3. Hi just wanted to say what a cool blog place to visit.

    Not many out there like this SiteRubix.
    Is it really for dummies?
    Cause I really have know skill in understanding html codes .
    I used to know little about building sites , but that has changed with the help of programs like this.
    I was looking for one do it all platform and think with the info here I can surmise that this is for me to at least try.
    Thank you in advance

    • Hi there John, no offense intended with the title of this post!! haha! 🙂 Have you tried SiteRubix out yet? They give you two free websites, just choose a free domain and they’ll host it for you.

      So if you’ve never set up a website in your life, (if you know some html coding then that’s a bonus) then SiteRubix really do make building websites easy, fast and dare I say it… fun. I build all of my sites using this site building platform and I love it.

      Glad to help, let us know how you get on!

  4. great article Simon… i thought blogger is best place to make your blog quickly, but in this post you have proved my wrong..great post for beginners in blogging

    • Blogger was a good blogging platform say 10 years ago but it’s stayed pretty stagnant since then with no updates or innovations. SiteRubix is constantly improving and the hosting platform thee really is cutting edge.

      SiteRubix make it possible for beginners to build professional looking websites because of the 3,000+ free and easy to customise templates – this is not something you get with Blogger.

      In the last 12 months alone, SiteRUbix has added free SSL (going from http:// to https://) as standard (Go Daddy, BlueHost and Hostgator charge $50 a year for this!) They are always pushing the limits with website building and web hosting. In the next few days, SiteRubix are even rolling out new SiteSpeed features. They’ve just completed Beta testing on this and it’s going to dramatically speed up your site loading speeds – a major Google ranking factor.

  5. Hi Simon! Thank you for the easy guide. Beginners are usually afraid of taking the first step and creating a website. They think it’s a long and difficult process when that’s clearly not the case. I’m going to share this with my audience and customers 🙂

    • Thanks Seif, it’s never been easier to build a website! SiteRubix are working hard to ‘get the technology out of the way’ so whatever your reason to bud a website may be, even complete beginners can create and build beautiful websites in just a few minutes.

  6. Hi Simon,thank you for the very clear and easy guide to building a website.It doesn’t get any easier than this.When you are choosing a website theme is the structure of the themes different?I mean are some themes suited to blog sites and other themes more suited to shopping sites.Thanks and look forward to your reply.

    • Thanks Trev, it’s never actually been easier to build a free website than it is now! Whether you’re a dummy or not, I think a 7 year old could build a website with SiteRubix 😉

      With the theme, a lot of it comes down to personal preference, what functionality you want from your website. If you’re talking about having an online store, complete with shopping cart and ability to take payments on your site then you’re best looking at a premium theme. You pay for these once but have much more control over how your site looks.

      Take a look at for beautiful themes. (For this website I used the Avada theme.)

      Hope this helps.

  7. Hi there, thank you very much for sharing this article.

    I have been thinking about having my own blog since quite a long time, I used to have blogspot page before but never really update them for ages.

    But that was during my teen years, now, I am thinking to blog because to make money out of it. What is your reccommendation of the niche that is easy to gain money?


    • That’s an interesting question, my first reaction would be that making money blogging is not easy. I mean it can be fun and it’s very rewarding but you have to write good quallity blogs posts or make YouTube videos consistently over a long period of time.

      I suppose it would be easier to make money in a niche that you like. If I started a blog about HD TVs because that’s where I thought the money was, and had to write review after review talking about TVs all day, I’d probably die on the inside 🙂

      Other gadget/tech loving bloggers would love to do that – so really, it does help to be interested in what you’re starting a blog about.

      There are so many potential website ideas… that are both high traffic and low competition, meaning it’s easier to rank in Google. Here’s my criteria for choosing a niche and some ideas to get you thinking:

      10 Hot Money Making Website Niche Ideas for 2017

      Hope this helps, feel free to sendme your niche idea and we can go over it.


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