Evergreen Wealth Formula Review 2024 (By A REAL Member)


Hi, I'm Simon and in this review, I'll be going through James Scholes' Evergreen Wealth Formula to see if it is the right training program for you.

I joined Evergreen Wealth Formula way back in 2014 when it was Evergreen Wealth Formula 1.0 and it's changed quite a bit since.

Thankfully James, being a man of his word upgraded me to the updated 2.0 version so as a real member I can show you what this program is all about, how it works and if it's worth it.

Oh, and by the way…

Here on The Make Money Online Blog I only ever give you my open and honest opinion. If I think a product is crappy, I'll say it's crappy. If I think it's good, I'll tell you it's good because I started this website as a way to help people avoid scams and find real money-making programs online.

That being said, let’s dive into the review:

Evergreen Wealth Formula Review At A Glance

About: Evergreen Wealth Formula is a course by James Scholes on how to launch an internet marketing business.

Price: $197 (one-time)

Pros: James knows his stuff, training is constantly updated, very hands-on, practical course and can start earning quickly.

Cons: Focus on paid traffic methods.

Verdict: If you're open to learning new things and ready to take massive action, you'll really enjoy the Evergreen Wealth Formula training modules.


4 Star Rating NEW

Whether you’re a brand new beginner looking to start your first legit online business, a blogger who wants to learn how to get more traffic to your website or an experienced marketer who wants to get better at email and social media marketing – Evergreen Wealth Formula is a solid choice.

I’ve been a member for over 5 years now and I can tell you James Scholes is the real deal.

The whole system is designed to help get you results in the fastest time possible. Every video tutorial and training module is interactive, practical and easy to implement.

James goes above and beyond, more than just showing you how to do it, he actually gives you the tools and resources you need to do it too.

Expert help is always on hand as you work your way through the training and most importantly: I know from personal experience, if you apply what you’re learning in this course, you will get results.

First Off: Why I'm Writing This Review

After binge-watching a ton of James Scholes' YouTube videos one day I signed up and became a member of the Evergreen Wealth Formula system.

In that time I have never actively promoted this program, not because I don't feel confident recommending it (because I think if you take the leap and grab this course you won't regret it) but I've just been busy on other projects.

So why am I writing this review now?

Recently I've come across a lot of fake Evergreen Wealth Formula reviews, nearly every one of them written by Wealthy Affiliate members who say that Evergreen Wealth Formula is a scam and you should sign up to their program instead.

The truth is:

Most Evergreen Wealth Formula reviews are written by people promoting Wealthy Affiliate who have never even seen the course.

I'm also a Wealthy Affiliate member and I love it, but they do NOT instruct members to write fake reviews. Unfortunately though, some members (a very small %) write fake negative reviews about any other program that's not theirs and well, that's just not fair.

If you're writing reviews on any product, whether that be a make money online program or an Amazon product, I believe you should always try your best to be accurate, unbiased and most importantly: give credit where it's due.

It's clear to me that most Evergreen Wealth Formula reviews out there are written by people who have never actually seen the course and how the heck can you give a proper review of Evergreen Wealth Formula if you've been a member, never watched one of James' training videos or seen the inside of the member's area?

So, for those reasons, in this review, I'm going to try to be as unbiased and objective as possible, because Evergreen Wealth Formula is not a scam and though it might not be for everyone, I believe a lot of you will really love this course and see awesome results from it.

What Is The Evergreen Wealth Formula And How Does It Work?

Created by James Scholes, the Evergreen Wealth Formula teaches people with no previous marketing experience how to set up and run a successful online business.

Since 2013 James has been helping people earn money through the online affiliate marketing model.

Affiliate marketing is by far my favourite way to make money online because it means you make money simply by referring people to third-party websites without having to create your own products, deal with handling and shipping or taking payments.

James is a natural teacher and I really like his style. It might be because we're from the same city and we have the some strong Yorkshire accent, but I think it's more to do with his no-nonsense “let's get to it” style.

evergreen wealth formula scam

As soon as you log in to the member's area you'll see James doesn't waste time in getting into the meaty stuff.

Every single lesson is packed full of practical, hands-on strategies you can apply to your online business right away and you can see James really does want you to succeed at this.

What I can tell you is this is the most comprehensive training on email marketing I have ever seen – if you apply what you're learning from this one model alone, you can make a full-time income for sure.

He doesn't babble on like most people do with hype and empty promises – he just gets on with it. It's a step-by-step blueprint anyone can follow to learn how to make money online.

Here's James Scholes' video from the Evergreen Wealth Formula website:

$100 a day?

$1,000 a day?

There are some pretty bold claims right there.

This is why I'm excited to be starting a case study soon where I'll go back to the start and share my real-time results with you (coming very soon!)

What I should say here is that nobody can ever guarantee you'll get these results – it all comes down to whether or not you apply what you're learning.

What you need to remember is there are over 3.5 billion internet users online every day and you only need to reach a tiny fraction of these to become successful online.

The one thing I do know is that if you're going to get anything close to these kinds of results, you will have to work at it consistently. You get out what you put in.

New Evergreen Wealth Formula 2.0 update:

Since I joined in 2014, James has released the new and upgraded Evergreen Wealth Formula 2.0. The great news is if you joined before this update, you can send a quick email to James and he'll upgrade you for free.

Way to go James! This just shows your lifetime commitment your members!

What you'll learn from James Scholes

One thing's for sure, James doesn't do fluff. Right from lesson 1, he dives into the practical how-tos and strategies to build your first online business from the ground up.

what is evergreen wealth formula james scholes

Any successful online entrepreneur will tell you that when you boil everything down, success online comes down to these 3 key components:

1. Your virtual online store (your website)

2. Traffic methods to get potential customers to your website

3. Something of value that will help your readers you can recommend so you make commissions and sales

Regardless of what you choose to promote (and James will give you hundreds of options), or what you start your first affiliate website about, the same rule applies:

Website + Traffic (visitors) = Success ($$$)

So what's covered in the Evergreen Wealth Formula training?

As soon as you become a member, you'll get access to 5 comprehensive courses, plus a bonus course. To get the most out of it, I recommend you start from the beginning and work through each course in order.

1. Leveraging the power of social media marketing

Once your website is set up you're going to be learning powerful social media hacks you can implement right away on sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and start seeing people coming to your website looking for what you have to offer.

2. Expand your reach through email marketing

My favourite part of the Evergreen Wealth Formula training is the email marketing module. Though setting up your first email campaign can be a little scary (but exciting at the same time!) James will take you by the hand and guide you through it step by step.

3. Unlimited traffic from viral YouTube campaigns

As a bonus, James will be showing you exactly how to create a YouTube channel and teaching you easy ways to create high-quality videos that potentially could get thousands of views and send people to your site.

The way the system is set up, you get access to thousands of products and services you can promote and make money from, and YouTube is a massive untapped traffic source.

Even if you've already got affiliate marketing experience I believe you'll get a lot out of this. The Evergreen Wealth Formula has the best email marketing and social media marketing training I've ever seen. (And I don't say this lightly!)

Here's a quick rundown of the training:

Getting Started

This is where you lay the foundation for your future success and set up your first website. Don't worry this really isn't as scary as it sounds and James'll tell you everything you need to know.

Course 1: Your first email campaigns (9 lessons)

Right from the get-go you're going to be learning how email marketing works and getting your first email campaigns set up. James takes you by the hand and guides you through everything step by step.

Course 2: Getting your new website in order (3 lessons)

Here's where you'll be building out your website with content and monetising your site.

Course 3: Automate and scale (10 lessons)

Time to get social! You'll learn how to leverage the power of social media to drive traffic to your website.

Course 4: Automate and scale 2 (4 lessons)

Social media marketing knocked up a notch, including how to get followers and create content that gets shared.

Course 5: Fast traffic methods (4 lessons)

At this point, you're probably starting to see sales and commissions coming in. With everything in place, it's time to scale up your business and take your earnings to the next level.

Bonus Course: YouTube traffic module (7 lessons)

what do you learn evergreen wealth formula

This course is all about how to create viral video campaigns that will help people, how to send traffic to your site so you can earn commissions.

YouTube is the second biggest search engine after Google with millions of hours' worth of videos watched every day – by following this training you're going to become a video marketing pro.

Community support and one-on-one mentoring

When James says he will take you through everything step by step, he really does. But even with the best training course, it's inevitable there'll be times you get stuck with something or need help.

This is where Evergreen Wealth Formula stands out from the rest. Unlike most programs that leave you struggling to figure everything out on your own, within the member's area you can get help and support when you need it most.

Every lesson comes with an interactive discussion area where you can ask questions and get answers from other EWF members of the owner himself. This can be a real lifesaver, especially when you're acquiring new skills and doing things you've never done before! Trust me I've been there 🙂

Another way you can get support is through James' direct one-on-one mentoring.

Not sure about anything?

Simply shoot an email off to James' direct email address and get instant, expert advice from someone with years of experience in this business.

It's safe to say I've contacted James quite a few times over the last 5 years and each and every time he's been very quick to respond. I really appreciate this and it's definitely not what you get with most other programs out there.

the evergreen wealth formula review by james scholes
People asking questions and getting answers inside the member's area.

Who is the Evergreen Wealth Formula for?

In a nutshell, the Evergreen Wealth Formula training modules and support is for anyone who is sick of the hype and online scams out there and is looking to get real results in the fastest way possible.

Whilst it's not for people who aren't willing to put the work in, if you've got the determination and the drive, you'll have everything you need to be successful at your fingertips.

The training is step-by-step and so easy to follow it's perfect for brand new beginners but I believe even experienced internet marketers will learn a lot from the powerful email marketing and social media strategies.

To be more specific, Evergreen Wealth Formula is for:

  • Complete newbies who have never made money online before
  • College students who want a way to fund their studies
  • Retirees looking to supplement their income
  • Work at home mum's looking to build an extra income stream for their family
  • Any twenty-something-year-olds who hate the idea of working in an office cubicle for the next 40 years
  • Pretty much anyone looking to get out of the rat race and build a solid online income generating asset for themselves

How much does the Evergreen Wealth Formula cost?

To become a member of Evergreen Wealth Formula you're going to need to invest a one-time membership of $199. No monthly subscriptions, no renewal fees and what I really like – no upsells!

I signed up as a member in 2014 before the 2.0 version came out and I got a free upgrade to 2.0. This just goes to show James' commitment to his members.

Is this program worth it?

Absolutely. I wouldn't be writing this review if I didn't think so.

Other resources you might need:

  • A website – There are great completely free options like Site Rubix which I'll give you a free domain and hosting set up for. You absolutely need a website if you're to be at all successful making money on the web.
  • For email marketing, you'll need an autoresponder. There are paid options like AWeber or free options like MailChimp. You can check out my full AWeber vs. Mailchimp comparison here.

What I like

  • Evergreen Wealth Formula has been around since 2013 and has a good track record
  • At $197 it's a steal. (To be honest, he could charge more and it'd still be worth it)
  • I love the new Evergreen Wealth Formula 2.0 – packed with even more training and strategies that get results
  • Has the best training and done-for-you resources on email marketing and YouTube marketing I've ever seen.
  • James doesn't waffle on and instead just gets on with the practical how-tos aimed at getting you results as fast as possible.
  • You can ask questions and get answers in the interactive member's area.
  • James really does want to see you succeed. He offers brilliant one-on-one email support and is always quick to get back to you.

What I don't like so much…

The program doesn't cover my favourite traffic source: search engines,  but I understand why – getting traffic from the search engines takes a lot of work and takes a heck of a long time, which is why most people give up before ever seeing results.

Churning out blog post after blog post is a long, hard slog (trust me) and it can take months or years before you get anywhere near the top of Google.

James' focus here is getting you results as fast as possible and so doing it his way avoid all of the hard slog and months of waiting.

It's a huge time-saver and can fast track your earnings so then you can focus on growing and scaling your online income.

Is Evergreen Wealth Formula a scam or legit?

This is a question a lot of people ask, and they're right to, because whenever you're searching on Google for ways to make money online you're inevitably going to come up against scam after scam.

I know I did.

So let me try to reassure you: the Evergreen Wealth Formula is NOT a scam.

James is the real deal. He goes to great efforts to pack his training with as many strategies and techniques you can implement right away to see results.

Here's why:

1) James Scholes stands by his training program

Unlike serial product launchers like Anthony Morrison and Jono Armstrong who come up with ‘brand new revolutionary systems' every couple of weeks, James is constantly improving and refining his training course to keep it current and I believe he really does want to see you succeed.

This is why you'll always see James interacting with members in the question and answer areas. When James promises to give you one-on-one email support, he means it. You can test him on this – send him an email and see how quickly you get a reply.

2) People have been getting results from this course since 2013

The Evergreen Wealth Formula has been getting results for people like me and you for over 4 years. Do your research online and you'll find reviews and testimonials from total newbies who have applied what they've learned and got real results.

With a proven track record and a solid reputation online, you can rest assured this is no scam. James only teaches real business strategies that will transform you from a complete beginner to an affiliate marketing pro IF you take action.

The methods and strategies are all there, all you need to do is be ready to learn and ready to put into practice what you're learning.

No matter how good the training and support is, it's up to you to put in the energy and determination to make it happen.

More Evergreen Wealth Formula reviews

You've heard my experience, but what do others say?

Here's are just a few Evergreen Wealth Formula reviews from people from both sides of the Atlantic. These are real people seeing real results with this program and if they can do it, there's no reason you can't do it too.

The Bottom Line:

If you're open to learning new things and ready to take massive action, you'll really enjoy the Evergreen Wealth Formula training modules and tutorials.

While I feel there could be more teaching on the search engine optimisation side of things, if you apply the marketing methods he shows you you're never going to have to worry about getting traffic to your site again.

The training is top-notch and James does everything possible to make it as easy as possible for you to succeed. It's an exciting feeling knowing you're making progress and building an income-generating asset for yourself.

Everything really is step by step and if you do ever get stuck, one-on-one help and community support are on hand to get you going on the right track which is why I can wholeheartedly recommend this as a good investment.

Buy Evergreen Wealth Formula here and you'll be glad you did.

Your Evergreen Wealth Formula Review

Already an Evergreen Wealth Formula member? Scroll down and share your review with us. We'd love to hear about your experience and results!

If you have any questions at all, feel free to share your comments below and I'll be more than happy to help you out! 🙂

5 thoughts on “Evergreen Wealth Formula Review 2024 (By A REAL Member)”

    • To be honest, I signed up to the Evergreen Wealth Formula a long time ago, maybe 2014, and I was a complete beginner but I did manage to make a few sales. The training has been updated since then with the launch of Evergreen Wealth Formula 2.0. I found this program when I was searching for ways to make money online and shortly afterwards I joined Wealthy Affiliate and that’s when things really started changing for me.

      Hope this helps.

  1. Hi,
    Apart from the 199 usd, what other costs will I incur in respect of setting up the Evergreen Wealth Formula in my home and am I able to do so from South Africa?

    • Hi Ian,

      Yes absolutely you can become an Evergreen Wealth Formula member from South Africa.

      The EWF training will show you how to drive traffic to your sales pages to generate affiliate earnings, including email marketing. If I remember rightly, James recommends Aweber as the best email marketing software. Aweber have a 30 day free trial and $19 per month thereafter.

      Other than that, you can pay for ads and solo swaps if you wish but you can leverage the many free traffic generating techniques you’ll learn without paying a dime. Hope this helps. Let us know how you get on!

      • Excellent review, and I thank you for it. You can convinced me to join the program. Was a little disapointed that I could review yopur comparision between the paid and feww email marketing and autoresponder programs.
        However thanks for the great review.


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