Welcome to my review of For Money Only.
For Money Only makes some pretty wild and crazy claims on their website. This made me really suspicious, so I decided to investigate a little further and see if this is a legit site or not.
If you are wondering is For Money Only a scam then you're in the righ place. If you've been tempted to sign up then you'll definitely want to read this review in full.
What is For Money Only exactly?
At first glance For Money Only seems like a legit home-based money making opportunity that sounds too good to be true.
All you have to do is share the referral links they give you to sites like Twitter and Facebook and you earn $5 every time someone visits the site and $1 when someone signs up.
You join the site, share their links and start earning money – this all sounds pretty simple right? So where's the catch?
The catch is this: For Money Only is a massive scam in a long list of link posting scams littered across the web.
Stick with me here and I'll tell you why:
They're promising you money for nothing
If something doesn't quite make sense it usually means you're not hearing the whole truth…
Think about it for a second, why would a website ask people to join it so they can encourage others to join and get paid? I mean, how is this even viable, how are the website owners making money?
Here's how:
Everyone who joins this site and starts actively promoting it might see the balance go up in the top right of their screen, but when it comes to cashing out time, they will never see a penny of it.
No one has ever got paid from this site and no one ever will.
Whoever created this scammy website (and we have no clue who they are) loves to lure people in with promises of quick and easy cash so he can get their email addresses and personal details which he can then sell on for a profit.
Spammers will pay $1000s to get a hold of a long list of email addresses so they can start hitting inboxes with ‘special offers‘ and ‘once in a lifetime deals‘ spam.
Anyone who's ever signed up For Money Only will tell you the same thing: do not give these guys your email address!
This website is a copy and paste of other well-known online scams
Commonly known as link posting scams, they're designed solely for getting people to hand over their contact details. They disguise themselves as legit work from home opportunities just so you'll believe their claims and hand over your information.
ForMoneyOnly.com is almost identical to the Pay Each Month scam, My Job Is First scam, the Money Is Must scam and Money Come First scam.
Just take a look at the For Money Online website compared to CashByJob.com and see if you can spot the differences:
And here's a screenshot of the Cash By Job scam:
All these websites are almost exactly the same. They all make the same big promises, all claim they've paid out $100,000s to members ( which they haven't), all have terrible grammar and images they've copied and pasted from the internet.
Whether it's the same cyber criminal behind them all I can't say, but all of them are luring people in with downright deception and lies.
Be warned: there's the very real possibility of identity theft
People think if it's a free to join site then it can't be a scam and they let their guards down when they shouldn't.
Websites like these are an endless supply of emails, phone numbers and social security numbers for these unscrupulous online criminals who can then sell these on for a profit.
Without even realising it, people signing up to this site with high hopes of getting paid open themselves up to all kinds of identity fraud.
Don't put yourself at risk and don't, under any circumstances, give this guy any of your personal information.
More For Money Only reviews
I couldn't find a single positive review for ForMoneyOnly.com online but there are tons of complaints and negative reviews. All of them pretty much saying the same thing: they never pay out when people reach the $300 cashout limit.
Here's a couple I've found from ReportScam.com:
Is For Money Only a scam? Yes it is!
Don't waste your time on this scam. It makes a lot of big promises but doesn't delivery on any of them.
Anyone who tells you making money online is as easy as spamming your friends and family on Facebook is lying to you. It is possible to make money online but you have to go about it the right way.
If you are serious about wanting to learn how to make money online then check out the TOP RATED program here.
It's a full training program with tools and support that will show you how to create your first internet business from scratch. The beginner's course is free and it's this same program that enabled me to earn a full-time income online and quit my boring day job.
Follow the training, ask for help when you need it, take action on what you're learning and you can achieve the same results.
No hype – just the right know-how and support you need to be successful online
Thanks for reading my For Money Only review – if you have any questions, thoughts or comments then share them below and I'll be more than happy to help you out. Also, if you have experience with For Money Only then I'd love to hear your story.
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Hey, thanks for sharing and helping to protect people online from scams like this!