Instant Cash Solution Review 2024: 3 BIG Red Flags Exposed!


Welcome to my Instant Cash Solution review where we look past the hype you'll find on the Instant Cash Solution website and take a proper look to see if it can really do what it says it can do or if it's a scam.

Rich Meyer's promo video says thanks to his system, making money online has never been easier or quicker; simply copy and paste his tried and tested ads on Craigslist and Facebook and watch the commissions roll into your PayPal account.

I came across Instant Cash Solution (ICS) after opening an email in my junk folder and clicking a link which sent me to an amateurish-looking site making crazy claims like:

“All you do is post the pre-written ads in the cities that we have had the best success and then watch the money pour into your account!”

is instant cash solution a scam

Fast and easy cash simply for copying and pasting? Sounds a bit too good to be true, which is why I decided to do a bit of digging to find out more.

Is Instant Cash Solution a scam like:

Or is Instant Cash Solution legit like:

Let's find out!

BTW: I'm not an affiliate for Instant Cash Solution. I am just a successful online entrepreneur on a mission to expose the never-ending scummy internet scams that never work and discover the real money-making opportunities that do!

Instant Cash Solution Review At A Glance

About: Instant Cash Solution is Rich Meyer's multi-level money-making program which runs like a pyramid scheme.

Price: There are 4 membership choices with prices ranging from $100 to $500. There's also an admin fee of either $29 or $79.

Pros: There aren't any.

Cons: No refunds, outdated training, false advertising.

Verdict: Instant Cash Solution is a scam you don't want to get involved with. This isn't a sustainable way to make money long-term as the income will halt as recruitment dries up.  


0.5 Star Rating NEW

What Is Instant Cash Solution?

Instant Cash Solution is marketed as a proven “copy and paste system” beginners can follow to make up to $1500 a week online by posting ads on sites like Facebook and Instagram.

Creator Rich Meyer calls his Instant Cash Solution program a “Member to member instant pay system” that can give you a way to earn life-changing amounts of cash within a few minutes of signing up.


By choosing one of the 4 membership levels ranging between $100 to $500 (plus admin fees).

Once you've paid up you'll be able to login to the Instant Cash Solution members area where you can access your done-for-you landing page.

You'll then copy and paste the pre-written ads onto job listing and social media sites in the hope of driving people to that landing page. If anyone signs up, you'll make money.

Instant Cash Solution Pricing And Costs

Instant Cash Solution has four membership options:

  • Bronze at $100 plus $29 admin fees
  • Silver at $200 plus $29 admin fees
  • Gold at $300 plus $29 admin fees
  • Platinum at $500 plus $79 admin fees

Each level offers more training and marketing tools but the main reason members upgrade is so they can earn from recruits who join under them.

Can You Get An Instant Cash Solution Refund?

Instant Cash Solution does NOT give refunds.

Once you join Instant Cash Solution, there is no way to cancel your membership or get your money back. A legitimate program would not worry about refunding members but I think they know if they did offer refunds, their refund rate would be through the roof.

How Does Instant Cash Solution Work?

Instant Cash Solution is an online pyramid scheme that requires you to pay an upfront joining fee and recruit new members to make your money back.

The only way to make money is by signing others up to Instant Cash Solution, the same program you just signed up to!

Here's how Instant Cash Solution works in a nutshell:

  1. You see a jobs ad promising a work form home opportunity
  2. You pay $100-$500 to join ICS
  3. You copy and paste ads on social media
  4. You make money with someone joins under you
how instant cash solution works

Is Instant Cash Solution A Pyramid Scheme?

I might get flack from zealous ICS members for even asking this question but we're here to honestly evaluate this work from home opportunity so you at the very least know what you're getting yourself into.

That being said, the very fact the only way of making money with Instant Cash Solution is by selling Instant Cash Solution is a HUGE red flag!

Do a quick search in Google for “pyramid scheme definition” and you'll see this:

is instant cash solution a pyramid scheme

Sounds like Rich Meyer's program perfectly matches this description.

If you're not convinced, watch this video and you'll see exactly why Instant Cash Solutions is the textbook example of a pyramid scheme:

Read How To Avoid Scams to ensure you never get scammed again.

3 Reasons Instant Cash Solution Is A Scam

1. They Lure You In With Promises Of Fast And Easy Cash

Rich Meyer paints the picture that his system is the easiest system on earth to make money on autopilot. He says it doesn't matter what your experience level is, for just a few minutes work a day you'll have money pouring into your PayPal account.

This is La La Land stuff. Rich will tell you whatever you want to hear to part you with your cash.

Do yourself a favour:

If you're chasing overnight success at the click of a mouse, stop! It's exactly this type of thinking that will leave you wide open to scammers every time.

Real ways of making money online involve putting in the work upfront and success only comes to those ready to hustle.

2. You Have To Pay Up Before You Can Promote

Just like other internet-based pyramid schemes I've exposed on this blog in the past like Copy And Paste Ads, Fearless Momma, Funnel X ROI and 6 Steps To Freedom, Instant Cash Solution makes you pay for the packages before you can promote them to others.

Memberships aren't cheap either, with joining fees starting out at $100 and going up incrementally to $500:

instant cash solution membership levels

The entire compensation structure is designed to push you further up the membership levels, handing even more of your money over at every stage.

You see, if you sign up as a Bronze member and someone you recruit into the ICS pyramid joins as a Bronze member, you get paid, but here's the catch:

If you recruit someone as a Silver member while you're still a Bronze member you get nothing because you are only eligible for payments up to the level you're paid in at.

bronze and silver membership commissions

Sure, they'll tell you you'll get even more training access when you upgrade, but trust me when I say nobody pays $500 (+$79 admin fee) to watch a few more low-quality training videos…

They go Platinum because the system is set up in a way where you can only receive the highest level of commissions by “going all in”.

Rich Meyer reiterates this 8 times in the 10 minutes sales video saying:

“I would highly recommend you join at the highest level if you can swing it otherwise you risk losing money.”

can you make money with instant cash solution

This is what makes this scam so insidious – it's targeting people in already desperate financial situations, promising them an instant cash windfall before enticing them in to invest more and more money in the hopes of being able to recruit others and make it back.

3. Recruiting Others Is The ONLY Way To Make Money

This is a simple fact even the most passionately loyal ICS member can not refute.

Investopedia says:

“The vast majority of pyramid schemes rely on profiting from recruitment fees and seldom involve the sale of actual goods or services with intrinsic value.”

Sure, they'll try and spin it by saying they offer a training program but they'll forget to mention the entire Instant Cash Solution training is centred around how to recruit others into the program.

The real question is, will you be able to live with yourself knowing you're profiting by recruiting others into this system?

The internet is rife with fake positive reviews telling you how wonderful this non-existent product is so they can make a commission off of you.

They've likely used their credit card to pay for the $579 Platinum membership fees and are desperate to try and claw some of that back.

Can You Make Money With Instant Cash Solution?

While it's possible you'll be able to dupe others into joining, making money with Instant Cash Solution is going to be an uphill struggle and chances are, you're going to get frustrated, give up and end up worse off than when you started.

Here are the 3 biggest reasons making money with Instant Cash Solution is unlikely:

1. It's A Completely Unsustainable Business Model

Pyramid schemes like Instant Cash Solution become unsustainable very quickly.

Let's say, for example, that someone signs up as an ICS member and manages to find 6 other people to join his downline. These 6 then go on to recruit another 6 and so on before you've reached the size of a small town…

instant cash solution scam review

Before you know it you've reached level 13 there's no one else left to recruit and the pyramid collapses and everyone on level 12 (the vast majority of people) lose out.

2. The Odds Are Against You

Most who pay for Instant Cash Solution end up worse off and no, it's not because they didn't work hard enough…

According to Pyramid Scheme Alert 88% of people who join a pyramid scheme lose everything they invest, which is exactly why pyramid schemes are illegal in most countries.

Rich Meyer's program is set up so the very few at the top make a lot of money whilst everyone else loses out at their expense.

Combine that with the fact Instant Cash Solution has a ZERO refund policy and your only option is to try and dupe others into joining.

3. People Just Don't Respond To Facebook Spam

Rich Meyer transforms new recruits into get-rich-quick spammers by telling them to spam sites like Craigslist and Facebook with cheesy, fake-ass ads like this:

why you cant make money with instant cash solutions

Not only is this going to get you kicked off social media sites because you're annoying the heck out of people, but these spammy tactics just don't work anymore…

Maybe 10 years ago you could have got a few clicks but people are a lot more sophisticated online these days and they don't just click on random scammy-looking ads and pull their credit cards out to sign up.

It's just not going to happen.

And as I said earlier, is this really what you think a legitimate online business opportunity looks like? There are tons of real ways to make money online without becoming a spamming pyramid scheme promoter.

Final Instant Cash Solution Review Rating: 0.5 Stars

I have no doubt a small number of people at the top are profiting from Instant Cash Solution, but like all pyramid schemes, the vast majority of people are throwing their money down the drain.

I don't want that to be you.

I’ve given Instant Cash Solution the lowest possible rating for 2 reasons:

Firstly, because it's the lowest rating I can give.

Secondly, because there’s just no product here. You simply sign up and pay up so you can promote it using spammy and outdated traffic methods that no longer work.

A good question to ask yourself is:

When was the last time you saw a spammy link on Facebook, clicked on it and paid a $100+ membership fee?

My point exactly.

If you want my honest advice then forget about short-term shortcuts like this that won't give you the results you're looking for and start thinking about building a long-term and sustainable online income stream.

Wealthy Affiliate has beginner training courses you can go through for free that’ll show you how to create a thriving and profitable online business that you can reap the rewards from for years to come.

They don't ask you for $100, $200, $300 or $500 like Instant Cash Solution does. You can try out the whole training platform for free and then you can still go back to Instant Cash Solution if you think I'm talking crap and that Rich Meyer has better training.

The choice is yours, my friend.

Just For Fun! 🙂

For those who are not yet convinced Instant Cash Solution is a pyramid scam, watch this…

More Instant Cash Solution Reviews

What's Your Instant Cash Solution Review?

Now you’ve read my full Instant Cash Solution review, it's time to have your say.

If there’s something about this program you've still got questions about, feel free to scroll down and ask your question in the comments. I'll do my best to help you out.

I’ve also reviewed enough get-rich-quick scams to know I’m going to get a few angry comments from current members unhappy with me for ratting out their motives.

If that's you and you think you can disprove anything I've said, please leave your comment below and I'll happily publish it for others to see.

16 thoughts on “Instant Cash Solution Review 2024: 3 BIG Red Flags Exposed!”

  1. I tried it at the $89 dollar level when they first started. After 3 months I requested a refund I got the runaround. No one ever sent me any money from the mailers that were supposed to be sent out.

    I got one email from the company saying they had problems sending out the flyers. Six months later, still nothing. This is a big scam all around!


    NOTE: There are real legit programs out there, this one and the company isn’t it!

  2. I was researching ICS to see if it was legit or a scam.

    Re pyramid scheme:
    Do ICS Pay members commissions for sales made on the 2nd or 3rd tier ?
    If not, then I don’t believe it meets the definition of a pyramid scheme.

    I agree with your review, it does appear to be a scam as it it’s just recruiting new members as per your review.


    • Hi Steve, kudos for doing your research before jumping in head first and you’re exactly right. Instant Cash Solution is all about recruiting, which is why I find it is in fact a pyramid scheme.

      Wikipedia defines a pyramid scheme as:

      “A pyramid scheme is a business model that recruits members via a promise of payments or services for enrolling others into the scheme, rather than supplying investments or sale of products.”

      Investopedia says:

      “A pyramid scheme is a sketchy and unsustainable business model, where a few top-level members recruit newer members, who pay upfront costs up the chain, to those who enrolled them.”

      And according to a pyramid scheme is:

      “A fraudulent business model, illegal in most places, in which participants are paid to recruit more participants, rather than commissions on sales.”

      I’m glad you managed to avoid this one. Thanks for commenting and I hope to see you around the blog 🙂

      • Thanks Simon for the reply
        You make a compelling argument.
        Yes I agree with you it’s a pyramid scheme.
        It’s disappointing that federal authorities dont stop these illegal activities, which I assume is due to a lack of resources (staff and money).

        I have been following the internet marketing industry for years and only. Making small amounts of money with Adsense and accommodation affiliates.

        Can you recommend a legitimate affiliate program for a person with Intermittent affiliate knowledge to make $100 per day,. Working full time on the Internet marketing business?

        Thanks in advance.

        • If you’re a beginner or intermediate level internet marketer and you’re ready to do this full-time then try Wealthy Affiliate’s free Starter membership.

          Eventually, you’re going to want to upgrade to the Premium membership at $49 a month but the free membership gives you the chance to get a feel for the place, start the training, interact with the community and gives you a very clear idea of whether or not it is right for you.

          In the last few years, I’ve reviewed 100’s of make online programs and although Wealthy Affiliate isn’t perfect, it’s leaps and bounds ahead of anything else I’ve seen in terms of giving you the right know-how, support and tools you need to experience the breakthrough you’ve been looking for and make a full-time income at this.

          Once you’ve created your free account let me know and I’ll be available for one-on-one support to help get you up and running. Here’s my personal profile within WA and I look forward to working with you.

          To your success!

  3. Hello, I really appreciate your time and effort on writing about Instant Cash Solution.

    From your review it’s obvious they’re a pyramid scheme and a rip off, I’ve fell for one before and recognized many of the red flags that you’ve pointed out.

    The thing that irks me the most is how if you joined as a Silver you can only make money on referrals that also join Silver and if they joined levels above that you don’t make a dime, how stupid is that? So you give them referrals and earn nothing for it?

    I’m not against making money online and I believe there are genuine opportunities out there, but all pyramid schemes are to be avoided at all cost!

    • As I say, it’s all a ruse to get you to pay up for the higher levels. yes there are genuine ways to earn money online but Instant Cash Solution definitely isn’t one of them. Did you try out the free training course yet? If not you can register here. I’d love to hear what you think of it. 

  4. Simon, thanks for your honest review on Instant cash solution.  Firstly, I hate all these get rich which schemes because most of them, if not all are lies. They will just pop up with big claims just to attract potential victims to depart with their money by purchasing their product. Just reading about pyramid schemes for the first time and I’m so sure I would never invest in it. I had heard about instant cash solution before and I got turned off immediately I tried researching about them. Imagine, you gave them 1% rating…lol

    Thank you for the eye opener

    • And I begrudged giving them 1%!

      Thanks and you’re welcome, congratulations on saving yourself at least $500 🙂

  5. Pyramid scheme is an old school trick to fall you on their hole. With this type of business, you just wasting your time and money. I know most of us here (internet money seeker) loves to get easy money online, but in reality there is no Easy Money generator on the internet. You have to work hard to reap real money!

  6. Thanks for investigating Instant Cash Solution 🙂

    What I read is quite shocking. This system should be shut down if you ask me. I see no other way to use the system than to sell ICS itself and I thought this is not allowed.

    I am investigating such programs my self and today I am investigating in fake review sites. I stumbled over your Website too due to it’s ranking on the first page in GSR. I was glad to see that you offer a fair review with a realistic opinion. Although you overrated “Octane” a little I think, I’ll leave a reply there with what I found out about that product.

    Back to ICS, these schemes are really dangerous, although this one doesn’t even start with a cheap magnet price it still does almost force you to upgrade if you want to get full advantage.

    And as you say, what advantage, being able to try and sell the same product to others, that’s no advantage but a guarantee to fail with a lot of money lost.

    I’m glad I have never fell into any such trap so far 🙂

    • Hey Stefan, you make a very good point. There’s no need to pay a minimum of $100 for the privilege of being able to spam links. Anyone could sign up to sites like ClickBank for free and find a whole range of work from home scams to promote. 

      Anyways, I’m glad you found this useful and I’m chuffed this review was an eye opener for you! 

  7. I already did those tasks, promoted in Craig List and other places online promoting even the very best of online opportunities, and I can say it is not easy to make sales or make money. Anyone who claims people can make easy money by just using a copy-paste strategy using sites like Craig List is lying. It’s good that you came up with this review exposing this scam. Blog posts like these serve in the check and balance online, and helps people check scams right on the door steps. Great!

    • Exactly Gomer, like I say, maybe you could’ve got a few click-throughs 10+ years ago but not now. We’ve learned how to spot scams a mile off and won’t just hand our money over at the drop of a hat.

      Plus, the banners you find in the members area look so spammy anyways…

      I’m glad you found this review helpful 🙂 

  8. Thanks for your honest review of instant cash solution. I think that it is a pyramid scheme because it does not revolve around content and helping people obtain money on seperate methods and only by getting signup fees from new members. Are there other pyramid schemes like this that do the same thing?

    • Tons of them Jon! They only get shut down by the FTC when they get big enough for people to notice them.

      Funnel X ROI is another program like this that springs to mind though with that program you’re talking $1,000’s not $100’s.


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