Hi and welcome to my Copy Paste Money System Review.
If you’ve seen Copy Paste Money’s sales page then you've seen their cheesy video promising a GUARANTEED cash generating system that only takes 30 minutes to set up.
Yep, that's right! You barely need to lift a finger and money just lands in your bank account.
You might have debt weighing you down and bills piling up and a little extra money would go a long way.
I totally get it. I'd love it if this were real too…
But is Copy Paste System legit, or is it just a scam?
Let's find out!
Copy Paste Money System Review At A Glance
About: Chris' Copy Paste Money System promises $1,000 a day online for 30 minutes work.
Price: $47, discounted to $37.
Pros: You'll see a prime example of the type of get-rich-quick crap you don't need to waste your time and money on.
Cons: Misleading, you don’t copy and paste to make money online.
Verdict: I haven't seen a program as scammy as this for quite some time. I recommend avoiding at all costs.

I found out about Copy Paste Money when I came across an email in my spam folder with the title:
“The “insane” way to rake it in online”
I should have just deleted it then and there.
It turns out Copy Paste Money is worse than Traffic Cloud, 1 Page Profits and CB Profit Sites, and trust me, they're bad enough!
Moral of the story?
Don't waste time going through your junk folder looking for legit ways to make money.
What Is Copy Paste Money System?
The Copy Paste Money System is a website promoting various get-rich-quick online scams created by someone calling himself “Chris”.
Visit CopyPasteMoney.com and you'll see this landing page:

It's just a black page with a 21-minute sales video telling you to hit the button below and join the program for lifetime access.
Here's the full video:
You're told this money making system works lightening fast and you don't need any prior experience because all you do is copy and paste what Chris has already done.
You're also told this “amazing opportunity” is ONLY open for a limted time and there are few spots available.
You're shown ‘real members' celebrating how much money they've made since signing up, but as I'll show you in the cons section, nothing on this page can be trusted.
Truth is, this video says a lot of things without really saying anything at all. Sit through the entire 22 minutes and all you'll hear is:
Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V = $$$
Ok… so what's the money-making method exactly?
How does Copy Paste Money actually work?
We're told nothing! If this isn't a sure-fire sign this is a scam then I don't know what is!
UPDATE: Several people have written to say they're seeing a different landing page every time they visit copypastemoney.com.
It seems whoever's behind this is promoting a whole myriad of scams to make a quick buck without giving your needs and online income goals a second's thought.
Stay away from whatever scam this con artist happens to be promoting at the time and unsubscribe from his mailing list immediately.
What Do We Know About Creator ‘Chris'?
We actually know very little and I'm 90% sure Chris is using a fake name to hide his real identity.
He tells us he's made $2,585,314 in the past year before telling his rags to riches story…
Apparantely he was $75,000 in debt and lived in a crappy one bedroom apartment and was one paycheck away from getting kicked out onto the street.
Until he found the system he's ready to share with you (for a one-time $49 fee of course!)
Now we're led to believe he has over $4 million in his checking account and over 5 million in investments.
He bought his house in cash and now has more money than he knows what to do with.
Give me a break!
How Much Does Copy Paste Money System Cost?
You can get lifetime access to the Copy Paste Money System for $47, but try to click away from the sales page and a pop up appears offering you a $10 discount.

Sift your way through the very wordy terms and conditions and you find out you have to call 888-793-3429, a toll-free customer service number if you want to get a refund.
Except, a quick Google search brings up this forum where people say this very same number has been used with a ton of different internet scams.
What's weird as well is that throughout the terms and conditions they refer to a scam called Easy Cash On Demand.
I'm guessing they're the masterminds behind this too and have simply forgotten to change it?
3 Reasons You Should NOT Join Copy Paste Money
I would usually buy the products I'm reviewing but Copy Paste Money System looks so scammy, and their refund policy so dubious, it's just not worth it.
I didn't pay for Copy Paste Money and I urge you not to either.
Here's why:
1. There's An Explicit Lack Of Real Student Results
Copy Paste Money would a legit and viable option if students were actually getting results, but they're not.
Chris says he gets messages, emails and success stories sent to him every day, but all those video testimonials?
They're completely fake…
Remember this guy?
He said:
“Chris, what can I say? Your program just plain works!”

In the real world, this guy is banjoman15, a Fiverr actor for hire:

Then there's this guy who gave us a long sob story about how he was laid off and had bill collectors coming to the house until he saw the Copy Paste Money video:

He goes on to say:
“I was skeptical of how quickly it would work for me but I didn't have anything else going on. Flash forward to today and I'm making more money than I ever have before.
Last month's deposit's to my bank alone were over $36,000. That was about a year's salary at my old job – in one month!
Everything has turned around. I'm mkaing $1,000s every week. My bills are all paid. I'm getting rid of all my debts and the best part is the peace of mind of not having to worry about money anymore.
Thanks Chris, you saved my life!”
If this success story was real, I'd be the first to tell you to sign up to the Copy Paste Money System right away without giving it a second's thought, but this guy is lying out of his teeth.
He goes by the name generatecashbiz and makes a living making fake testimonial videos designed to dupe people like you into falling for get-rich-quick scams:

2. And The Award For Cheesiest Sales Video Goes To…?
The video talks about struggling under the weight of debt, finding financial freedom and living life on your own terms thanks to the Copy Paste Money System…
Whoever wrote the script for the sales video deserves an award for pressing every emotional button known to man, but the clear message is this:
Copy Paste Money is the answer to all your money-making worries.
And if you ever wondered what elements go into making a scammy promo, here are some screenshots taken from the video:

Sports car? Check!
Yacht? Check!
Mansion? Check!
Fake earning screenshots? Check!
Stacks of cash? Check!
Simply sign up, pay your $47 and you'll be making $10,000s a month and millions a year. Your life will never be the same.
Don't believe a word of it!
Chris has either completely lost the plot or he's deliberately setting out to deceive and manipulate you. Either way, he's not to be trusted!
3. Shiny Shortcuts Don't Actually Exist
The very idea there's some top-secret system out there you just need to tap into to make your fortune online, it's all just to convince you to hand your money over.
But rather than help you make money online, this ‘get-rich-quick' mentality will dramatically reduce your chances of success.
Top-notch training like Wealthy Affiliate give you the step-by-step roadmap to replacing your income online but they're honest and upfront about the TIME and EFFORT it takes to get there.
Copy Paste Money Pros
I try to be fair and balanced in all my reviews but I'm really struggling to come up with any Copy Paste Money positives.
I mean, they can't even be bothered to make a logo for flip's sake!
All you're getting here is pie in the sky hype and nothing more. The Copy Paste Money System's sole aim is to take money from you, NOT show you how to make it.
The only good thing I can think of is now you've seen a textbook example of what a scummy get-rich-quick scam looks like, you'll know what to avoid in the future.
READ: 13 Ways To Avoid Work From Home Scams Online
Is Copy Paste Money A Scam? Is It Legit?
Copy Paste Money can only be considered a scam because of the outlandish guarantees of fast and easy cash, the actors hired to give fake video testimonials and the cheesiest sales video on record with images of cash flying out of laptops.
Chris thinks all he has to do is throw a few dollar signs in front of your face and you'll buy whatever trash he's peddling.
A Real Copy Paste Money Alternative
I’m on a mission to expose all the scummy get-rich-quick scams out there and help as many people as possible kiss their bosses goodbye.
I've spent 1,000s hours researching over 450 programs to find out what works and what doesn't.
My #1 pick so far is Wealthy Affiliate.
To date, they have helped 2.2 million aspiring entrepreneurs launch an online busines.
Read some of the success stories here.
As a free Starter member you get access to:
- 70 video modules and step-by-step training
- 24/7 support from a whole community of experts
- A free .com domain and website hosting
- Weekly live classes
- 1-on-1 help and mentorship from me personally
Click here to get all the details in my tell-all Wealthy Affiliate review.
Or better yet, join for free right now and experience the community for yourself.
I'll see you on the other side! 🙂
Simon Crowe is on a mission to help as many people as possible kiss their bosses goodbye.
Take the free Wealthy Affiliate test drive to discover how to smash your online income goals and make your dream business a reality.
I don’t believe Simon would put something fake be making money online..show proof.
If you don’t believe me Sandra. then I guess you should sign up to Copy Paste Money and see. Then come back here and let us know how you get on…